
EU Projects

Project name

Project name

ODevelopment a recipe of dishes ready for consumption as a functional food, dedicated to selected groups of consumers, a preserved using innovative methods HPP.

Place of project implementation: Fruktus Agros Nova Sp. z o.o. Sp.k., Wąsosz Dolny ul. Traugutta 130, 42-110 Popów

The project is implemented under the: Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Śląskiego na lata 2014-2020 (Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego) dla Osi Priorytetowej: I. Nowoczesna gospodarka dla działania: 1.2. Badania, rozwój i innowacje w przedsiębiorstwach

The aim of the project is to develop new vegetable products based on groats, vegetables and herbs dedicated to three identified consumer groups, i.e. diabetics, people suffering from Hashimoto`s disease and people with reduced immunity.

The economic objective of the project is to introduce currently not offered pascalised vegetable products, i.e. salads and vegetable creams on the market. It will be possible as a result of the development technology for the preservation of these dishes using an HPP device.

The implementation of this project will allow the development of innovative products and production technology of the resulting dishes, ensuring obtaining a product with a repeatable taste and preserving valuable nutritional components, including vitamins and minerals. By using currently available knowledge and skills in the field of science, the new HPP high pressure curing technology created within the project will be prepared to implement completely innovative products in relation to those currently on the market.

Duration of the project: January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2022

Eligible expenditure for the project: PLN 1.241.767,95

Co-financing requested: PLN 715.137,28