
EU Projects

Project name

Project name

Modern forms of application of health=promoting substances in the form of chocolate products with a porous core

Project location:   Leader: Maspex GMW-Sp. z o.o., ul. Chopina 10, 34-100 Wadowice  Partner: Prolab Sp. z o.o. Sp.k., Wróblewskiego 2/4, 31-148 Kraków   The project is implemented within the framework of the Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region 2014-2020, Priority Axis I: Knowledge economy, within the framework of the Measure: Research and innovation in enterprises, Sub-measure 1.2.1 R&D projects of enterprises.  The direct objective of the project is to develop and increase the competitiveness of a Polish manufacturer of pre-packaged products by implementing the developed chocolate products with a porous core containing functional, health-promoting ingredients for the domestic and foreign markets.  The subject of the project is comprehensive industrial research and development work on the development of health-oriented and functional chocolate products with a porous core. A positive result of the conducted R&D works will allow the implementation the results of these works by launching the production of innovative chocolate products (AERO pills) in the Applicant’s plant – Leader.  The result of the project are areo pills with a porous core containing health-promoting substances.

Total value of the project: PLN 9,722,204.59
Grant amount: PLN 4,719,296.98